Stay at home: this is the critical week

Redazione Nove da Firenze

I am the worst of journalists. To stay mentally strong, I’ve been switching off to the 6pm update from Italy’s Civil Protection team. The statistical nature of quarantine means that more contagions and deaths will occur (on the brighter side, more and more people will be clinically cured) before the tragedy peaks and our collective victory over this virus ensues. The Italian PM, Giuseppe Conte, made this clear in his address to the nation, when he made the unenviable call to close all non-essential businesses. But yesterday, there was a glimmer that the contagions might be beginning to slow down. And hope is what we all need right now, to reassure ourselves that the selfless sacrifice of doctors and nurses, supermarket workers and grocers, and our own resolute immobility at home, is worthwhile.

If there’s one positive thing to emerge from the lockdown, however, it’s the outpouring of creativity and sense of community. That’s why The Florentine is launching TF Together, our daily online moment to meet up and share activities and interests. It’s not just webinars or learning; it’s the monthly TF drop-in breakfast now held online; it’s the TF Wine Club, but the cheers are virtual; it’s the revival of TF Sessions, the Facebook Lives we’ve held in the office with local musicians.

It’s also a series of events and opportunities offered by Florence’s creative community: please email Jane if you’d like to be involved. We’re going to keep you limber, sane, cooking, reading, and so much more. Please tune in every weekday at 5pm: details and schedule here.

We’re going to get through this together.

Helen Farrell