Le arti visive nel Progetto europeo IVAN

Redazione Nove da Firenze

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo da Giuseppe Luca Polizzi dell'Università Telematica Guglielmo Marconi, relatore all'incontro "Sviluppi della Creatività e Reti di Condivisione del Cambiamento" che avrà luogo a Firenze, il 21 novembre prossimo:

Innovating Video Art through New technologies”, is the acronym of the project we have presented in the framework of the MEDIA Programme (MEDIA Training) – call for proposals 83/03, aiming at promoting training activities in the field of new technologies and their use in communication and expression modalities which has characterised and are characterising the Video Art.

New digital technologies nowadays permit innovative modalities of communication leading to a true revolution in the context, allowing not only a reproduction of the reality, such as with use of analogue technology, but also its interpretation bringing to the increase and diversification of possible “perspectives”.
Taking into account the considerations above, the training course we are producing and implementing for the year 2005/2006 will allow the acquisition of competences and knowledge of image analysis and work methodologies with a creative approach.

The research in the field of Video Art and techniques of communication has a direct impact in the field of audiovisual production in movies and advertisements (films, sports, marketing campaigns, etc….). The economic impact of the above mentioned approach is therefore easy to understand: there is a direct link between the research and its business application. The training project includes a modality of fruition in blended learning, face to face training integrating distance training.