Towards the creative society from knowledge based society through Science and Art

Redazione Nove da Firenze

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo da Michal Gibodai, relatore all'incontro "Sviluppi della Creatività e Reti di Condivisione del Cambiamento" che avrà luogo a Firenze, il 21 novembre prossimo:

A century ago, the US and European economies and societies transitioned from agricultural to industrial systems. There was a massive movement of people from rural communities to rapidly growing urban industrial centers. This set in morión a whole series of sweeping demographic, social, economic and cultural shifts.

Today, the US and Europe are again going through a period of sweeping economic and social transformation — this time from an industrial to a creative economy Creativity is the motor force of economic growth. Roughly. The creative economy has grown considerably over the past century with the most rapid and punctuated growth occurring over the past two decades or so. A hundred years ago, at the dawn of the 20th century, fewer than 10 percent of working people worked in the creative sector of the economy.

Fewer than 15 percent of the workforce did so in 1950. But over the past two decades, creativity has become the driving force of our ekonomy and the creative sector has exploded. Today, from between 25 to more than 30 percent of workers in the advanced industrial nations work in the creative sector of the economy, engaged in science and engineering, research and development, technology-based industries, in the arts, music, culture, aesthetic and design industries, or in the knowledge-based professions of health care, finance and law.

In the United States, the creative sector accounts for nearly half of all wage and salary incomes, as much as the manufacturing and service sectors combined. Creativity is a basic element of human existence. Every single human being is creative and houses creative potential: Every single human being is creative in some way. Creative geniuses play their role, but creativity is a broad social process and requires teamwork. It’s stimulated by human exchange and networks; it takes place in real communities and places.
To bridged science and art offers excellent strategy to enhance the capacity of the left and right lobe of the human brain.