Electronic Commerce Know-How Telematics Agency for Franchise-net development

Redazione Nove da Firenze

The Italian PROMOFRANCHISING of CONFESERCENTI in co-operation with - ASOCIACIÓN ESPANOLA DE FRANQUICIADORES and the FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION OF GREECE, and under the cognitive direction of the technical co-ordination, the LRE/EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence , is going to submit a Project, under this Call of Proposals, covering the second sector of intervention of the EUMEDIS (EUro MEDiterranean Information Society) initiative: “Pilot projects for Euro-Mediterranean electronic commerce”.
A consortium entitled ECKTAF is going to be created to set up a large partnership to lead the Eumedis Initiative for the Euro-Mediterranean electronic commerce sector.

In addition, an alliance matrix of partners coming from some countries (actually from Cyprus, Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey), as well as EU partners (actually from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) leaving in the Mediterranean basin, are currently being interested in order to participate in ECKTAF pilot project.
ECKTAF EUMEDIS Franchising e.commerce pilot project is finalised to develop in the Mediterranean Basin e. Commerce Management & Consulting know-net promotion, using the commercial formula of e.Franchising for improving a pilot project both for Business to Business and Business to Consumere.Trade.

The choice of e.Franchising for promoting e.commerce in Mediterranean area is coming from the consideration that the franchising simplify the Business to Business procedures for Small and Medium sized commercial, productive or services enterprises.
The organisators are searching for partners to join the project ECKTAF, such as: Universities, Chambers of commerce, Federations of Small Medium industries, Associations of business centres, etc.. etc.. but also Private for profits Enterprises, (especially with specific references to logistics and transport) willing to work in the project ECKTAF as well as promotional not profit companies.